7th Literature Assignment: Summary and Analysis- Chapter 1, Mandatory Zoom Meeting 10AM, Vocabulary due March 31, 2020 at 02:59PM
Title: Assignment: Summary and Analysis- Chapter 1, Mandatory Zoom Meeting 10AM, Vocabulary
Description: Please watch the Summary and Analysis on chapter 1- Lord of the Flies (before our 10AM Zoom meeting) and bring chapter 1 comprehension questions (1-15) to discuss. We have a lot to chat about!
Vocabulary for Chapter 2: Please do these Schulerific style. I would like your own sentences to be your own and not copied down from Dictionary.com.
1. gesticulated
2. clamored
3. ebullience
4. assented
5. recrimination
6. hayrick
7. tumult
8. tirade https://ift.tt/39qyXWo
Due: March 31, 2020 at 03:00PM