7th Literature Assignment: Lord of the Flies- Chapter 3 Comprehension Questions & Choose a novel to read and complete over the break. due April 8, 2020 at 02:59PM

Title: Assignment: Lord of the Flies- Chapter 3 Comprehension Questions & Choose a novel to read and complete over the break.

Description: Please answer the following questions completely. Use text evidence, as well to support your answers when approriate. Copy and paste questions into a doc and submit in Classroom.

1. Explain how we see Jack and Ralph’s differing priorities in this chapter.

2. Who do you agree with most and why?

3. Fear is starting to creep in amongst the boys. How do we know this and what are they afraid of?

4. Why is Ralph frustrated with the other boys?

5. Do you think that this frustration is justified? Explain why or why not.

6. Find a quotation which illustrates that a rift is forming between Ralph and Jack. Please include the page number.

7. Describe the character of Simon.

8. Why do you think that Simon ventures into the forest at the end of the chapter? https://ift.tt/39TbT2L

Due: April 8, 2020 at 03:00PM