7th Literature Assignment: Lord of the Flies- 2nd ½ Chapter 1 Comprehension Questions due March 30, 2020 at 02:59PM
Title: Assignment: Lord of the Flies- 2nd ½ Chapter 1 Comprehension Questions
Description: Please copy and paste into a doc and submit on Classroom. I want you to really think and support your answers. You will not get full credit if you rush through this.
8. What are your first impressions of Jack? (opinion-based)
9. Why doesn’t Piggy ask for the names of the choirboys?
10. What are Jack’s reasons for what he should be chief? Do you think that these are valid reasons?
11. Why do you think Piggy is not considered to be chief? (opinion- based)
12. What reasons are given for why Ralph is voted chief? Do you think that is a good choice?
13. Which word tells us that although Piggy voted for Ralph, he really didn’t want to? Why might this be?
14. How does Ralph show leadership skills once he has been made chief? Give two examples from the novel?
15. Why is Jack unable to stab the piglet at the end of chapter 1? https://ift.tt/2wNf5iV
Due: March 30, 2020 at 03:00PM