Second Grade Update
Dear Second Grade Families,
Last week, students completed the first pages of their reflection journals. We discussed the quote by Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”, and students wrote about what it meant to them personally. Later in the week, we had our first music reflection. After brainstorming about thoughts that the word “music” conjured up for us, we listened to a piece called “Concerning Hobbits” composed by Howard Shore. Students drew pictures, created designs, wrote sentences/words as they listened. Each child’s journal entry was completely different, and it was a great reminder of how we all experience the world in our own unique way. These unique ways, as well as our similarities, are to be valued.
We also made sure to relax our brains and bodies with a few silly sessions of GoNoodle!
Below are some additional updates and important dates.
- Food Drive
Please donate to our food drive if you have not yet had the chance to do so. Specific items needed are:- Canned tuna, chicken and salmon (in water)
- Canned soup (low sodium)
- Peanut butter (non-hydrogenated)
- Brown rice
- Whole grain pasta
- Whole grain oats and cereal
- Canned fruit (in 100% juice)
- Canned vegetables (low sodium)
- Nuts, seeds and dried fruit
- Ground coffee and teas
- What We Are Learning
- English Language Arts
- Word Work – associating th with /th/ and wh with /hw/; using onomatopoeia; recognizing and forming contractions
- Reading – introducing our SUPER magazine and small-group reading practice
- Writing – delivering get-to-know-me letters and practicing oral reporting skills to share details we learn about others
- Math – developing mental strategies for addition and subtraction through 20, reinforcing odd/even numbers
- Social Studies – exploring different types of communities
- Science – reinforcing how and why water flows from one place to another and what characteristics help us define bodies of water
- Religion – discussing the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- English Language Arts
- Important Dates/Events This Week
- Thursday, Sept. 19th – Free dress with Fun Fair T-Shirt
- Friday, Sept. 20th – No School / No Share and Care (Staff Training Day)
- Saturday, Sept. 21st – Fun Fair!
- Monday, Sept. 23rd – Free dress for September birthdays
- Tuesday, Oct. 8th – Friday, Oct. 11th – Family/Teacher Conferences
With gratitude,
Catherine Suer