Second Grade Update – Week of 5/29

Dear Second Grade Families, 

Happy Friday!

This week, students enjoyed our Semifreddi’s field trip! One of the bakery’s owners graciously shared his time, stories, and knowledge to make it a very memorable experience – even the adults learned a little! Thank you so much to our drivers and chaperones for making it possible!

Next week, our second graders will be kicking off a food (and money) drive to support the Alameda Food Bank. Attached is more information, which will also be included in next week’s newsletter. They will create posters and announce the drive at Thursday morning’s assembly. 🙂 Please support your child by making a donation (large or small) – second grade is leading this initiative and should be the example with 100% participation.

As we start to feel the wind-down of the school year, please encourage your children to keep up with their routines. School is not over, and we are still working hard in second grade! 🙂

Below is our second grade learning update.

Focus Areas for Our Learning Next Week:

  • Reading – 
    • In reading groups, students will have some fun with readers theater! Students will be assigned parts and then practice accurate, expressive reading as a group. Following along and being attentive to the group will be a key skill.
    • At night, students should read aloud to practice fluent reading skills. Please encourage your child to observe punctuation, read at a good pace, and read the words as they appear in the text (no deletions or substitutions).
  • Grammar/Spelling – In Superkids, students will practice decoding and encoding /ār/ words. They will also practice with homophones. Students should practice their spelling words for a quiz on Friday.
  • Writing – We will finalize their animal research reports by incorporating revisions and edits into a final version. They will wrap up the process by creating a detailed illustration.
  • Math – We will continue reviewing key concepts, including using graphs to display data and interpreting graphs to draw conclusions.
  • Religion – We will finish our Family Life Unit – God’s Gift of Love. Students will reflect on making and keeping promises.
  • Social Studies –The class will discuss the different types of resources needed by many businesses: natural, human, and capital resources.
  • Science – Students will solve the mystery of why a group of wild bighorn sheep would leave their usual desert habitat to visit a second, very different habitat: a local playground. In our activity, Habitat Scavenger Hunt, students will record observations of the diversity of life found in the desert and the playground, as well as the physical characteristics of each location. Students combine these observations to create an understanding of how the living and nonliving parts of a habitat support the animals that live there.

Other Updates for this Week:

  • Dates to Remember:
    • Monday, May 29 – No school – Memorial Day
    • Friday, Jun 2 – Second grade reflection video due to Mrs. Suer (please refer to email sent on 5/25)
    • Friday, Jun 2 – Baccalaureate Mass, 10am
    • Tuesday, Jun 6 – Free dress for June b-days
    • Tuesday, Jun 13 – Last Day of School – Moving Up Ceremony  9:30 / Dismissal 10:30 / No Share and Care

We look forward to seeing our students on Tuesday! Wishing you a wonderful long weekend!

All the best,

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