Second Grade Update – Week of 11/11

Dear Second Grade Families, 

Happy Friday! 

This week, a highlight was writing conferences and personal narrative publishing. Students and I met one on one to discuss their narratives and make final revisions. They then did a WONDERFUL job rewriting their final copies (with a careful eye to include edits and revisions) and are now working on illustrations! 

Next week, we will reflect about all our many blessings and identify things and people we are grateful for in our lives. Students will bring this reflection to life with an art project. 🙂 

Focus Areas for Our Learning Next Week:

  • Reading – 
    • In reading groups, students will continue SUPER Magazine. We will identify and use text features to make comparisons and draw conclusions. We will continue practicing the skill of identifying the main idea and details within an article.
    • At night, students should read aloud to practice fluent reading skills. Please encourage your child to observe punctuation, read at a good pace, and read the words as they appear in the text (no deletions or substitutions).
  • Grammar/Spelling – In Superkids, students will practice decoding and encoding ay/ā/ (stray, away) and /ô/ (draw, stalk, haul, tall) words and observing typographical cues to read with pauses and expression.
  • Writing – Students will review how to provide positive, constructive feedback. Then they will have an opportunity to read each others’ personal narratives and provide written constructive feedback in the form of questions, compliments, and comments for at least three of their classmates.
  • Math – In math, we will practice measuring with precision and accuracy in nonstandard units and inches. 
  • Religion – We will continue our chapter about the Holy Spirit, our helper and guide as we make decisions in our daily lives.
  • Social Studies/Science – This week, science and social studies collide as we learn about different types of landforms and make connections to the continents we are researching for our writing projects.

Other Updates for this Week:

  • Annual Fund!– The Annual Fund is still going on!  We still need your help! Our goal is 100% participation – a donation (any amount, large or small) from each family. If our class reaches that goal, students will receive FREE DRESS, PIZZA and ICE CREAM! We need each family to donate some amount (large or small) to reach our goal.
  • Report Cards – These will be sent home next Friday. Please know that your child is aiming for “3”s by the end of the year because a “3” means they are meeting that second grade standard.
  • Daily Screening – Please continue to do the daily screening. Your diligence is important and appreciated.
  • Dates to Remember:
    • Friday, Nov. 8 – End of First Trimester
    • Monday, Nov. 11 – No School – Veterans Day Observed
    • Friday, Nov. 15 – Report Cards Distributed
    • Friday, Nov. 15 – Minions and Friends Spirit Day
    • Tuesday, Nov. 19 – Free Dress for Nov. B-Days
    • Wednesday, Nov. 20 – Noon Dismissal / Teacher Development Day
    • Thursday, Nov. 21 – National Catholic School Principal Appreciation Day
    • Nov. 25-29 – No School – Thanksgiving Break!

We look forward to seeing our students on Tuesday!

All the best,

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