Second Grade Update

Dear Second Grade Families, 

I hope this message finds you all enjoying this beautiful Mother’s Day weekend! Happy Mother’s Day to all of you fantastic moms!

Thank you to Mrs. Ortiz for leading the class in a fantastic Art Docent lesson last Friday! This was truly exciting for the kids because it was the first time we have been able to do Art Docent with Mrs. Ortiz live since last year. The lunch tables provided a safe outdoor space where children could be distanced and still enjoy the lesson about Monet’s water lilies and create their masterpieces! Thank you again, Mrs. Ortiz! Your organization, creativity, and warm enthusiasm made this a wonderful experience for the class! Attached are some photos for all to enjoy! 🙂

Thank you also for the thoughtful birthday gift card to Amazon. I will definitely use it – maybe toward something fun for Summer. 🙂

Below is our weekly update:

Focus Areas for Our Learning:

  • Reading – We will continue our SUPER magazine this week. Students will practice determining important ideas, using nonfiction text features to improve comprehension, connecting text to self, and reading fluently (accuracy, pace, and expression).
  • Grammar/Spelling – In Superkids, students will practice different spellings of the long A sound as well as proper capitalization within titles.
  • Writing – Students will resume their animal reports and complete drafts. The focus will be on using the factual information they gathered during research to write well-organized informational paragraphs.
  • Math –Students will explore and practice measuring with metric units. Students continue to practice interpreting the language of story problems so that they can develop accurate solutions. 
  • Religion – The class will review the key parts of the mass and create a reference booklet.
  • Science – The class will review the process of photosynthesis by taking part in a play on Friday. We will also continue our read-aloud of “Top Secret”.
  • Social Studies – We continue our unit about government, and specifically how laws get made.

Other Updates for this Week:

  • Fun Run T-Shirts – Shirts will be passed out here at school on the day of the run. 🙂
  • Dates to remember:
    • May 11th: Fun Run!
    • May 14th: “May the 14th be with you.” Star Wars Spirit Day
    • May 26th: All School Mass – Feast of St. Philip Neri
    • May 28th: Noon Dismissal (distance learning day)

Key Documents/Links (master file attached – please print):

  • Schedule –
    • Monday – No reading groups.
    • Tuesday – Fun Run Day! Students should wear athletic free dress with shoes they can run in. We will pass out Fun Run t-shirts here at school that day.
    • Friday – Students may dress up in anything Star Wars for spirit day. They can of course choose to wear their uniform instead.
  • Weekly Assignment Matrix – Below is work that will be done at home and needs to be brought to school:
    • Names of Mary wheel, (Monday, 5/10, if not already turned in)
    • Branches of Government worksheet (Thursday, 5/13)
    • Subtraction with Regrouping worksheet (Thursday, 5/13)
    • Venn Diagram worksheet (Thursday, 5/13)
    • Become a Writing Superstar (Thursday, 5/13)

We look forward to seeing all of our students on Monday!

All the best,


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