Second Grade Update
Dear Second Grade Families,
To all families who donated additional wipes, thank you!
Regarding our upcoming field trips, thank you to all of you who volunteered! I will be getting lists together and determining what other support we need. Thank you again!
Below are other important updates and dates to remember:
- What We Are Learning
- English Language Arts
- Word Work – reading and encoding pattern words that begin with w or wh; reading and writing words with prefixes mis- and dis-
- Reading – starting book clubs
- Writing – finalizing book reports
- Math – recognizing the specific attributes of shapes; making sense of problems and persevering in solving them
- Social Studies – reviewing key concepts from our government unit
- Science – exploring the parts of seeds and conducting an extended observation
- Religion – learning about the Liturgy of the Word
- English Language Arts
- Important Dates/Events This Week
- Tuesday, Mar. 10th – Fun Run Kick-Off
- Friday, Mar. 13th – Talent show at 11:00
- Friday, Mar. 13th – Noon dismissal (sports picture day)
- Friday, Mar. 13th – Report cards coming home
- Tuesday, Mar. 17th – St. Patrick’s Day (green and white free dress)
- Thursday, Mar. 19th – Walking field trip to Rhythmix (2nd-5th)
- Friday, Mar. 20th – No school (WCEA work day for teachers)
- Monday, Mar. 23rd – Free dress for March birthdays
- Tuesday, Mar. 24th – Fun Run!
- Weekly Reflections:
- Quote of the Week – “Always look for the helpers. There will always be helpers.” – Fred Rogers
- Music Piece of the Week – “We Built This City” – Starship
With gratitude,
Mrs. Suer