Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, Sept.16-20, 2019
Our first full days of school went well. Your students are adapting well to the routines of Kindergarten. Please continue to practice the St. Philip Neri School Prayer with your child as well as the Sign of the Cross and the Pledge of Allegiance. These are important so that they may become a part of the school community on the yard in the mornings.
As you know, we have begun our “Super Kid” of the Week. Mrs. Foster was our first “Super Kid” and this week it is Mrs. Halkias’s turn. Each child will have a turn to be our “Super Kid”. Your child will receive a poster to complete with the assistance of parents. In addition, there will be directions for what to bring to school. We will send the poster and directions on a Friday; it is due on the following Monday.All items will be returned.
Your child will be bringing home an envelope on most Fridays that has all of their completed work done at school. Please empty the envelope, sign it and return so we may use it every Friday. Please look for the Conference Request Form in the Friday Folder this week.Thanks for your assistance.
As a positive reinforcement,we have begun our “Sticker” chart for students. Students receive stickers individually for making “expected choices”, following rules, being kind and staying on task. Ask your child how many stickers they have earned thus far! We also put “jewels” in a jar for continued “expected behaviors.”
If you have not already done so, please send an old shirt with your child’s name on it so they can use it when we do painting in Art Class.
What’s Happening In Class
Religion: Sign of the Cross, Six Steps of Listening
Language Arts: Introduce the Super Kid “Oswald”
Math: Numbers to 5 and 10
Social Studies: Policies and Procedures
Looking Ahead…
Sept. 19th- Free Dress with Fun Fair T-Shirt
Sept. 21st-Fun Fair
Sept. 26th-Homework Due
Oct.4th- Feast of St. Francis- Prayer Service, Blessing of the animals
Oct. 8th-11th-MINIMUM DAYS-Parent Teacher Conferences
Oct. 14th- Columbus Day- NO SCHOOL
Thanks for all you do. Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias