Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, November 7,2019
We are asking for your assistance with your children in the use of appropriate language at school. Not only are we hearing “potty talk” but we are hearing “variations” in the use of adult words not appropriate for children. Please use caution in allowing your child to hear adult discussions around your children as they do tend to repeat and mimic what they hear. Encourage respectfulness and model appropriate communication around children. Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
Your assistance is also needed in connection with eating lunch here at school. Often students are not cleaning up after themselves; there is garbage left on the floor and students are not following our student learning expectations by being respectful and following procedures. We are going to have the students eat inside next week to go over polite manners when eating and to review procedures. We ask that you talk with your child about manners for eating.
In addition, if you are ordering Choice Lunch for your child,please have your child pick the foods they like. There is a lot of waste when children have a lunch that they don’t like or won’t eat.
St. Philip Neri will hold their annual Book fair next week.It will be held in the St. Philip Neri O’Brien Hall every day from 2:30-6:30PM (opens 2:00 on Wednesday.)We encourage parents to take your children to the Book Fair. Your child will receive a flyer about our book fair in his/her Friday folder. It will preview the books that will be available and students can also make a wish list of books that they would like to have! In addition Mrs.Murray has issued a challenge for the students- the class ( one from each grade group-TK-2, 3-5 and 6-8) with the most attendance at the Book Fair will win free dress for their class! All students from the winning classes will be entered into a raffle and one student from each winning class will win a gift basket! There will be three students winners! Please come and support our Book Fair!
The Super Kid this week is Hera.
Rosie went home with Brixton.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/ Superkids Curriculum- Introduce Lily, identify upper and lower case Ll, associate pictures with initial l,k,d,s, associate Cc with k, blend sounds to decode words, encode for final l, associate final dd with d,ss with s,ll with l
Math.- Compare ten frame cards to decide who has more or less, count objects one by one saying the numbers in standard order and pairing each object with only one number name, count up to 20 objects arranged in a line, rectangular array or circle to answer “How many?”, count collections of objects in different ways to demonstrate that the arrangement of objects and the order in which they are counted do not change the total number of objects
Science- Living and Non-Living
Social Studies- Thanksgiving
Religion- Thankfulness
Looking Ahead
Friday, November 15th- End of First Trimester
Monday, November 18th-Friday November 22nd- St. Philip Neri Book Fair
Thursday, November 21st Boards of Thankfulness DUE! ( Just to clarify- there is no further November homework other than the Boards of Thankfulness.)
Friday, November 22nd- Report Cards go home, Drop in to see Thankfulness Gallery in the Kindergarten Hallway after school or after Share and Care.
Monday, November 25th-Friday, November 29th Thanksgiving Vacation- No School
Monday, December 2nd- Return to School
Thanks for all you do.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias