Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, October 25,2019
Thank you to those parents who drove and chaperoned on out field trip to G & M Pumpkin Patch! It was a great day and a perfect first field trip! Your assistance is much appreciated. The students were well behaved and had fun! They will be decorating their pumpkins next week and can then take them home.
Thank you for supporting the new listening plan for students. It is most helpful to have parental reinforcement!
In the next few weeks, we will begin to do some formal and informal assessment in preparation for the first report card period. Report cards will be issued on November 22nd and are standards based.Your child may be asked to orally answer questions or to complete a worksheet independently so that we may assess their skill level.
The Super Kid this week is Juan Carlos.
Rosie went home with Hudson.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA: Superkids Curriculum-Continuation of SuperKid “Doc”, Associate picture names with final”d”, associate initial and final “d”, recognize that words are made of letters, blend sounds to decode words, sequence events, encode words
Math-Continue Building to Number 10, Count objects in categories; copy, extend, create and describe patterns with 3 elements , identify the patterns with letters ( AAB, AAB, ABC,ABC)
Science-Life cycle of a pumpkin assessment
Social Studies- Emotions Sort
Religion- Jesus Welcomes the Children, We are Children of God, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, We Care for Others ( We will be discussing how to pray the rosary more in depth with the Kindergartners at a later date.)
Thanks for all you do.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias