Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, March 12, 2021
As we end our second Trimester , here are a few reminders for students and parents:
Students should be bringing their blue or green folders and all of their necessary materials to school daily. It is important as we prepare for your children for first grade. They will need to have more responsibility for this as they enter first grade. Please remind and assist your child if necessary. (Mrs. Foster has added a reminder note about this at the top of our lesson plans for next week.)
We have noticed that some students are not up to date in the required asynchronous Lexia minutes. Thus we have begun to add Lexia into our Hybrid Learning daily schedule on some days. Lexia is a personalized learning program. Added practice of at least 20 minutes a week on the Lexia application will benefit students as it will advance reading skills and prepare students for 1st grade. This application also challenges those students who have begun to read and need more challenging work.
Thank you to all the students for their work in their Science/ Social Studies Notebooks! We enjoyed seeing the attention and extra effort that students put into their studies. Please be sure to discuss the historical figures with your child as well as the Science concepts that we have selected to highlight with your children.We understand that most of this work is done asynchronously as of now and thank you for helping to educate your child.
We will now begin to focus on our School Wide Student Learning Expectations. These include the goals of becoming Respectful, Responsible and Reverant students as well as LifeLong Learners. Detailed rubrics in evaluating these expectations have been written and will be used each year here at SPN.More information will follow.
Mrs. Foster has begun to enhance the Zones of Regulation program teaching ways to control emotions and to self- regulate.Emotional regulation can be defined as processes that are responsible for controlling emotional reactions using various tools that include sensory supports, calming techniques and thinking strategies.
Due to the busy schedule this month, we have decided to postpone our ESGI Testing until after the Easter break.
Our Cohorts for the third trimester will remain the same. All Kindergarten students will be on site in their respective cohorts for the remainder of the year. Also, please be sure that your child is in uniform for Hybrid Learning as well as Distance Learning.
Mya is our SuperKid next week.
What’s Happening In Class?
ELA/ Language Arts/ Writing-Unit 14- SuperKids Club- Identify parts of a book, Identify upper and lowercase Bb, associate names with sound of b,, Correctly print Bb, use spacing and punctuation in sentences, decode words,spell memory word”of”, track print, answer questions about a story, draw conclusions, recall details, follow written and oral directions
Math. Bridges- decompose numbers less than or equal to ten into pairs in more than one way,determine if numbers are a double or not ( even), look for pattern in numbers, identify a number of objects, represent addition with fingers, decompose numbers less than or equal to 10
Science- Continue with Force and Motion
Social Studies– Alexander Graham Bell
Religion – “Jesus has many Friends”, Saint Patrick
Looking Ahead
Monday,March 15th– No School-Staff Development
Wednesday, March 17th– St. Patrick’s Day- Green and White Free Dress
Friday, March 19th- Report Cards go out