Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, February 12, 2021
We will be finishing Meet the SuperKids with the introduction of the last SuperKid this week- “Hot Rod!” In Meet the SuperKids, the students learned ( or reviewed )13 letter sounds, including the short vowels, decoded and encoded words, and read simple stories. The students will now take on the more challenging work in SuperKids’ Club. By now, children are moving forward with confidence, picking up speed as they decode words. The controlled vocabulary instills in beginning readers a self sufficiency. However the road to reading isn’t always smooth and predictable. Children must learn to maneuver some tricky words and begin to read a few memory words. Memory words are words children must memorize because they can’t blend or decode them yet. The Sight Word books the students have been making have introduced some memory words already. We have begun to group students who are ready for more challenging work as well as others who need more practice and guidance.
We are coming into the season of Lent with our Virtual All School Ash Wednesday Mass on February 17th. We are asking for your assistance in guiding your children this Lenten season. Help them learn the Church’s Lenten disciplines in age appropriate ways. Acts of kindness and good deeds are more appropriate than “giving up” something for Lent. We will brainstorm and share ideas with the students before asking each student to write and share their own Lenten promise.
We will begin our STAR Testing this week. You should have received Progress Test 4 test for SuperKids in your child’s Friday Folder to see where you might assist your child in their skills. Star Tests will give us more information about skills needed or mastered.
Our SuperKid this week is Anhdrew.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/Language Arts- SuperKid-Introduce SuperKid Hot Rod-identify upper and lower case Hh, identify initial h sounds, associate picture names with initial h,write upper and lower case Hh,, read memory word “the”, encode words,identify the title of a story, track print from left to right,answer questions about a story, draw conclusions, determine cause and effect
Math.- Bridges- count by 1’s, 10’s to 100, begin to learn how to count by 5’s to 100, identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than or equal to the number of objects in another group of up to 10 objects
Social Studies– George Washington
Science– Weather and the Seasons
Religion– Lent
Looking Ahead
Monday, February 15th- No School- Presidents Day
Wednesday, February 17th- Ash Wednesday-All School Mass 8:30AM
Thursday, Friday- February 18th,19th- STAR Testing
Wednesday, February 24th– Spirit Day- Sports Day
Thursday, February 25th- Alameda Public Library Zoom Visit