Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, October 11,2019
Thank you for conferencing with us last week. It gave us great pleasure to let you know how well your children are doing. Thanks also for reinforcing the new policies for behavior and consequences which we distributed at parent teacher conference time.Please feel free to contact us with any concerns you may have at any time.
Here are more specifics for our field trip to the pumpkin patch this Thursday, October 17th:
- Drop off labeled booster seats out on the front ramp by the parish office. Look for your child’s car assignment area for where to leave the booster seat.
- Children should arrive to school at regular time.
- Students should wear their school shirt and preferably jeans or long pants of their choice. (It is dusty and the students sit on hay bales there!)
- Wear an old pair of tennis shoes.
- Children should bring a bagged lunch. It should have all disposable contents.
- We will eat snack at school before we depart so please send a separate snack.
- Your child will keep their pumpkin here at school so that we can decorate them next week with 8th graders. They will be sent home the following week.
- Drivers and chaperones should arrive at 10:00 to sign in at the office and load booster seats. We will depart by 10:30 and return to school by 2:00.Drivers and chaperones will be notified separately.
For Halloween, your child may wear his/her costume to school. Please be sure that your child has an age appropriate costume and is comfortable. ( No violent accessories, please. ) It is a minimum day; dismissal is at 12 Noon.The room parents are organizing a Halloween activity for the class. In addition, the student council organizes a school-wide carnival on the yard; no monies are needed.
The Super Kid this week is Landon Vo.
Rose the Bear went home with Eliana.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA: Superkids Curriculum-Introduce SuperKid Doc, Phonemic Awareness initial D and final D, Upper and lower case D, Blending sounds,, Drawing conclusions from pictures,Using Prior Knowledge, Follow oral directions, Answer questions about a story, Listen for details in a song
Math- Continue Building to Number 10, Continue using a Number Rack,One to one correspondence,Decompose numbers less or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way
Science-Life Cycle of a Pumpkin
Social Studies-Field trip to Pumpkin Patch
Religion- Jesus Welcomes the Children, We Are Children of God, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, We Care For Others, Praying the Rosary
Please remember that we attend Mass every Wednesday with 3rd grade at 8:30. Your child should be in full uniform.
Looking Ahead
Monday, October 14th- Columbus Day- No School
Thursday, Field Trip to Pumpkin Patch!
Friday, October 18th- Picture Re-take Day
Monday, October 21st- Free Dress October Birthdays
Thanks for all you do.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias