Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, December 4,2020
The season of Advent is upon us and the students are getting excited for Christmas. We would like to call to your attention a few reminders for students.
- Due to the approaching winter weather, it is often cold and/or rainy. Because we may be outside for some of our specialty classes ,students are encouraged to wear a coat to school if needed. Please be sure your child’s sweater, sweatshirt and jacket are marked with their names.
- In their excitement, students often have a more difficult time remembering the rules at this time of the year.Please encourage your child to remember the rules at school.
- Students should be wearing at least their uniform shirt to school on Zoom Distance Learning Days.
- One reminder for parents- please do not double park when picking up your child after school. Per our school rules, we are not permitted to release students into a double parked car. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Our room mothers will be coordinating a Christmas Party for the students on the last day of school before vacation. It is a Minimum Day so it will be a Distance Learning Day.We are hoping to begin with a Christmas craft on Zoom, then have some special treats, listen to a story or play a game. Our room moms will be contacting parents to help coordinate that day. Students are dismissed at 12 noon on December 18th. Thanks so much.
We are adding Raz Kids to the students online Asynchronous work this week. Raz Kids is an online guided reading program with interactive ebooks, downloadable books, and reading quizzes.Your child will receive an information sheet as well as a badge to sign into Raz Kids and can begin to explore it this week! Look for it in your child’s folder.
Please remember that your child should have all of his/her supplies in their backpacks every day. Their Blue or Green Folder should come to school EVERY DAY with the worksheets given in it. Some worksheets are to be done at home and some are done in class. ( i.e. Superkids books are done in class and should be kept in the folder. ) Please check the lesson plans for instructions. Asynchronous ( home) work is indicated in yellow on the lesson plans. Normally we would collect the folders with completed work on Fridays and send the next week’s work on Mondays.Please send any completed work that you still have at home. Also, some children have not been returning their Friday folders (envelopes). These go home on Fridays. Please empty and return on Mondays. Thanks so much!
We have decided to forgo December Homework! No Homework this month!
Our Super Kid this week is Sienna!
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/ Language Arts, Superkids- Introduce new SuperKid Icky- recognize that words are made up of letters, identify upper and lowercase Ii, identify initial i sound, associate picture names with initial i, identify medial i, blend to decode, draw conclusions from pictures, track print from left to right, sequence events
Math.--count up to 20 objects arranged in a line, a rectangular array or circle, recognize the number of objects in a collection of 6 or fewer arranged in any configuration, decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, identify whether the number if objects in one group is greater than, less than or equal to the number of objects in another group
Science- Complete Five Senses Unit.
Social Studies- Feelings
Religion- Advent and Christmas
Looking Ahead
Monday, December 7th- Report Cards sent home
Tuesday,December 8th– Immaculate Conception Mass- All School- 8:30AM
Wednesday, December 9th- Advent Prayer Service,Pajama Day- Yes, students wear their pajamas on Zoom!
Wednesday, December 16th- Advent Prayer Service
Friday, December 18th– Christmas Party- Last day of school before vacation- Dismissal at 12 Noon
Thanking you as always for all you do in this busy holiday season.
Mrs. Halkias