Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, November 20,2020
We so enjoyed the Thankfulness Boards that the Kindergartners ( together with their parents) made for their November Homework. Each child shared their board with the class in an oral presentation and the students were evaluated both on their board as well as their oral presentation. It’s a great way for students to begin to practice oral speaking before First Grade.
As you know,our daily protocols are handed down and regulated by the Alameda County Board of Health as well as the State regulations. Since we have moved to a Purple level, we will return to Distance Learning on the Monday and Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Thereafter Thursday and Friday, it will be a return to Hybrid classes. Please use the passcode for Mrs.Halkias on Monday’s Zoom class instead of Mrs. Hall. ( She will be assisting in Preschool on that day.) We will use the Old Distance Learning schedule for the Enrichment Classes on Tuesday for the Enrichment Classes.I have included the classes and passcodes on the lesson plans. Ms. Kristen will be sending out an additional email with all of the information needed for distance learning on that day for your convenience.Thanks for your patience as we are dedicated to keeping a safe learning environment for all students and teachers.
Some parents have asked about the use of the IPADs in class. We will begin to slowly incorporate the use of IPADs in the classroom.Each child will be assigned their own IPAD to use in the classroom.
Your child will be receiving their first trimester report card on Monday, December 7th. Please keep in mind that these progress reports are designed to document and provide specific feedback to students and parents as well as future teachers about a student’s progress toward specific grade-level standards and social-emotional growth. The progress reports also allow parents and students to understand more clearly what a student is expected to know by the end of each grade level.Please remember to keep your child’s report card and to sign and return the report card envelope.
December homework will be distributed after the Thanksgiving holiday.
Our Super Kid for after Thanksgiving is Olivia. She will share on Wednesday’s Zoom class.
Kudos to Kai and Anhdrew for volunteering to lead the SPN student body in the Pledge of Allegiance on our morning Zoom prayer and pledge. Contact Mrs. Murray if your child is interested in this opportunity!
Here’s the curriculum for the week when we return from Thanksgiving vacation:
What’s Happening In Class?
ELA/ Language Arts/SuperKids/Writing- Finish SuperKid Sal and Introduce new SuperKid Lily, recognize that words are made of letters, identify L and l and the, sound of the letter l , follow oral directions, encode for letter l and other letter sounds, , blend sounds to decode words, draw conclusions from pictures
Math.-use tallying to count and record numbers, count backward from any number up to 10 ( or more!),represent addition and subtraction with objects, demonstrate that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger than the previous number
Religion- Advent, Hail Mary Prayer
Science-Living Things- Finish Five Senses Unit
Social Studies- December Calendar, Emotions and Feelings
Looking Ahead
Monday,November 23rd – Friday, November 27th- Thanksgiving Vacation- No School
Monday, November 30th, Tuesday December 1st, Wednesday December 2nd – Return to School with Distance Learning
Thursday December 3rd, Friday, December 4th– Return to Hybrid Model Learning
Monday December 7th– Report Cards go home
Tuesday, December 9th- Feast of the Immaculate Conception- Holy Day of Obligation- All School Mass at 8:30 on Zoom
Thanksgiving Prayer
For each new morning and its light,
Forest and shelter of the night
For Health and Food
For Love and Friends
For everything thy goodness sends.
We thank you Lord.
In Everything, Give Thanks. We are blessed.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday with family and stay safe.
Mrs. Halkias, Mrs Frankel and Mrs. Hall