Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, October 23,2020
Since the first day of school, the students have been counting how many days that they have been here ( virtually!) As we complete this week of Zoom classes, the students have been in school 41 days! The days do fly by!
We look forward to welcoming our Kindergarteners into the classroom full time on Tuesday, November 10th. Our Hybrid Model “dry run” will be on Monday,November 2nd where we will welcome both our Morning and Afternoon Cohorts.This will give us a chance to modify any safety precautions that may be needed before we begin full time on November 10th.
Tuesday, November 3rd-Friday November 10th will continue to be Long Distance Learning Classes. Please be sure to go over the preparations sent in last week’s email for the return to the classroom. (I have included them again here for your convenience.)
- Your child should have a large enough backpack to carry all of their school supplies,
folders, water bottle, snack, sweatshirt, coat, etc. to and from school.The supplies that were given to them should come back and forth to school each day. ( I.e. crayons, scissors, pencil,etc.)
- Please try to have a child friendly easy -to- open water bottle for your child- one that they can open and close by themselves.
- Snacks that are easy to open would be helpful as well. Disposable and reusable containers are acceptable. Please practice with your child making sure that they can open the containers themselves. If the disposable container is left at school, it will be thrown away.
- Students must wear a mask at all times ( except when eating) and have an extra mask in their backpacks in case they need another. Masks should be cleaned daily. They also need to bring a paper bag to put their mask in while they are eating. The bag will be thrown away each day.
- Please send a change of clothes for your child in case of emergency. Include only uniform bottoms, underwear and socks. Place in a large ziplock bag with your child’s name on it. We will keep these at school.
In addition, there will be a mandatory meeting for Kindergarten Parents about our Hybrid Opening with Mrs. Murray next Wednesday, October 28th at 6:30PM. Immediately after Mrs. Frankel and I will go over the additional requirements and safety precautions needed for Kindergartners. I will also send a copy of these notes to all.
We will begin with our Kindergarten Superkid of the Week when we return to the classroom.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/Language Arts/ Superkids-Introduce SuperKid Doc, Phonemic Awareness initial D and final D, Upper and lower case D, Blending sounds,, Drawing conclusions from pictures,Using prior knowledge, Follow oral directions, Answer questions about a story, Listen for details in a song
Math.- Ten Frame is introduced, build numbers to 10 with fingers,recognize the number of objects in a collection of 6 or fewer, arranged in any configuration, demonstrate that each successive number is one larger than the previous number name
Science- Continue with Fall Season
Social Science-Pumpkin Patch Virtual Field Trip
Religion- Jesus Welcomes the Children, Jesus Blesses the Children
Art– Please be sure to pick up a butterfly pattern for your child at the office to decorate if you have not already done so celebrating Dia de los Muertos. (Information is on SPN Newsline.)
Please make sure that your child is completing the assigned times in our applications through Clever. There are assignments in Superkids Online Fun that have not been completed. We are tracking these minutes and using activities as part of our assessment process. If you have any questions on how to access them, please don’t hesitate to email or visit during office hours.
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, October 28th- Morning Zoom will begin at 8:50 instead of 9:15. Student Council will conduct some fun Halloween games with students before class.
Thursday,October 29th- Art Docent Lesson with Ms. Ortiz on Zoom at 10AM
Friday, October 30th- Halloween Wave Parade 11:30-12 Noon – Note Time Change from last week!- We will dismiss students at 10:30 after Language Arts that day so that students may get ready for the parade at 11:00. Students may wear costumes to the parade in their cars. Student Council will pass out goodie bags to all students in cars. Students may also wear their costumes during our Morning Zoom on that day! We will have some special activities planned!
Monday, November 2nd– Hybrid “Dry Run”- Morning and Afternoon Cohorts
Tuesday, November 3rd–Friday November 6th– Regular Zoom Classes
Monday, November 9th- Veteran’s Day- NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, November 10th Hybrid Learning Model begins