Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, October 2,2020
Thank you for returning your children’s work for the month of September and for picking up the new work. We enjoyed seeing the students and our K connection games and activities went well. We hope to do this on a regular basis (if we are able.)We were sorry to miss seeing our Friday group.
I would like to clarify some questions that parents have had regarding student work. As you know all student Lesson Plans are sent out weekly on Fridays ( for the following week) and are also posted on the Kindergarten website. There is also a Kindergarten Distance Learning Schedule which summarizes the subject areas, times, and password IDs for each. (You received it at the start of school.) It will be sent out monthly so you will receive a new one next week.
The weekly lesson plans detail work for each day. It not only highlights the work done on Zoom but also the required daily work to be done by the students. This is indicated in the top box of the plans. Students are to work in their Distance Learning Folder ( green folder) and then their Morning work daily. This can be done before the morning Zoom or in the afternoon as indicated in the Distance Learning Schedule ( Asynchronous Learning). This includes Superkids Fun and Lexia. Other work is done in Seesaw and submitted in that portal. ) Hope this clarifies what is required of the students. Please feel free to email with any questions at any time.
We will now begin our “Super Kid” of the Week. Mrs Halkias will be our first “Super Kid” and then it will be Mrs. Frankel’s turn. We will model for the students. Each child will have a turn to be our “Super Kid”. Your child can create a poster to complete with the assistance of parents but this is not required.On the poster, your child may draw their family, favorite color, favorite food, favorite place to visit, what they want to be when they grow up, etc. These are just ideas; you don’t have to use them.Your child can just hold up a photo of their family, favorite food, etc. Allow your child to do as much as they want for this special assignment. In addition, please have your child share their baptism picture and any items that are special to them i.e. medals from sporting events, favorite stuffed animal, favorite book, etc. Practice with your child so that they can speak clearly in sharing with their classmates.
What’s Happening in Class?
These next sections were copied and pasted from last year but I checked them and I think they’re okay for our lessons next week.
Religion: God Created the World, We Care for Creation,St. Francis and Mindfulness ( Being Kind, Sharing) ( A Note to Parents- Berenstain Bears videos and books are a great tool to introduce relatable conflicts. The stories help with feelings and how to work through conflicts.)
Language Arts- Introduce SuperKid Golly- Identify upper and lower case g, associate pictures with names, identify rhyming words, follow oral directions,identify parts of a book, use prior knowledge, answer questions about a story
Math- Number sequence to 20, Classifying objects into categories ( Number attributes) One to one correspondence,
Social Studies- Emotions Word Sort
Science- Life Cycle of A Pumpkin
Looking Ahead…
Monday,, October 5th- Feast of St. Francis All School Mass– Blessing of the animals
8:30AM-( Please have your child attend Zoom Mass and bring an animal( real or not) to be blessed. First trimester Progress Reports mailed out
Tuesday- Friday Oct. 6th-9th –MINIMUM DAYS-( Parent teacher conferences
if needed)
Monday,Oct. 12th- Indiginous People Day- NO SCHOOL
Thanks for all you do.