Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, September 25,2020
Thank you for assisting your children in learning the Sign of the Cross and the Months of the Year.It’s been fun to see the students and hear their recordings in Seesaw! Thanks also for your assistance in helping your students to complete these assignments.
Kindergarten Progress Reports will be sent out on Monday, October 5th. This modified report for Distance Learning will indicate how your child is progressing thus far. Progress reports are not as precisely calculated as grades, but the narrative descriptors can help students and parents identify areas of strength and weakness so that steps can be taken to maintain or improve performance.
Language Arts- Students will continue with their study of Oswald in the Superkids curriculum.Skills covered include: identifying upper and lowercase Oo, identifying initial sound for o, draw conclusions from pictures, distinguishing between fantasy and reality
Math.- We are continuing with our study of the months of the year and counting up to 30
( for the 30 or 31 days in each month!)
Social Science– Now that Fall is upon us,thanks for taking your children on a neighborhood walk this past week to observe trees and the changes in nature. We encourage students to keep observing for more changes as the season progresses.
Science- The students are learning about Living and Non- Living things including what living things need to survive.
Religion-Students will begin to learn Bible stories including the story of Genesis – how God created the world.
We want to bring to your attention our special “K Connection” which will take place on Thursday and Friday, October 1st and 2nd. It is at that time that the students will turn in their September work and pick up their October work. We have decided that we will have regular Morning Zoom classes those two mornings and that the meeting time for pick up will be from 12:30 to 1:30 on each day. We will assign 12 children each day to come. In addition to the drop off and pick up of materials, we will have a Fall Bingo Game to play as well as a Movement Activity. This will allow the children to see each other in person and to have some fun with each other as well! With the pick up of materials, your child will be receiving a box with Bridges Math.materials. You may have your child punch out the geometric shapes and put them into a plastic bag for safe keeping. Please keep all materials together in the box until instructions for use. ( It also might be a good idea to put your child’s name on each bag for when we return to the classroom.) Please caution your child to keep the materials away from younger siblings.
Students will need to bring a towel to sit on as we will be outdoors in the Kindergarten Yard for these activities. Masks should be worn by students. You will receive the time and day for your child to come. Please staple all work together and make sure that your child has written his/her name on everything. Parents can drop off their child and stay in their cars but must remain on site.Optional items- hat for a sunny weather day and water bottle.
Below is the list of materials which need to be turned in by the students:
My First Week in Kindergarten Book
Superkid Cass Workbook
Morning Work for September
Religion Book Pages that are completed
Please Keep these things:
Months of the Year Booklet
Social Science Interactive Notebook
Daily Practice Sheets for letters and numbers
Math. pages
Religion Book
All supplies- (i.e. crayons, pencil, etc.)
Looking Ahead
Here are some important events and dates to remember:
Thursday and Friday, October 1st and 2nd- K Connection 12:30-1:30
Regular Morning Zoom classes will take place
Monday, October 5th- Progress Reports will be sent out
Feast of St. Francis- All School Mass
Tuesday- Friday, October 6th-9th- No Parent Teacher Conferences ( only if requested)
October 6th-20th -Fit and Fun Drive has been rescheduled to May
Monday, October 12th– No School- Columbus Day Holiday
Thanks for all you do to assist us with your children’s education.
Mrs. Halkias and Mrs. Frankel