Kindergarten Update
Hello Kindergarten Families!
We did it! Week one of Distance Learning is complete! Thank you all for your support in making sure that your children are prepared and for joining us for Material Pick-Up. We look forward to next week where we will start to add more components to our Morning Zoom! Please read all sections of this email…lots of important information.
General Session of Back to School Night-Hosted by Mrs. Murray will be Monday, August 31. 7:00pm, please be present for this informative session.
Tonight is our Annual Ice Cream Social-Virtual Style! Please use our class zoom (87806650576 pw: spnzoom) at 6:00pm to sign in with your ice cream of choice. 8th Graders will lead the class in fun games virtually!
Here is the rundown for next week:Monday: Morning Zoom at 9:15, scheduled assessmentsTuesday: Enrichment Classes-see Master Class Schedule here for timing and links. Password is spnfamilyWednesday: All School Mass 8:30 (the school will send a link), K Morning Zoom will follow at 9:15, Zoom Library and Spanish will follow that. Scheduled Assessments starting at 10:30.Thursday and Friday: Morning Zoom at 9:15, scheduled assessments
Reminder…Monday, September 7 is Labor Day Holiday NO Morning Zoom.
Action Items for Parents:1. Fill out and email back the Superkids Form (in the back to school night packet) so that we can start the process of getting your child logged into the Language Arts Online Component.2.Check Clever Badge for your child (Attached with a binder ring to your child’s supply pouch, laminated and on green paper)! If using an ipad download the application “Clever” and use the option login with badge, scan the QR Code this will bring you to your child’s account. If using a desktop:, you will follow the same steps as logging in with the badge.Please feel free to contact us with any questions.Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Halkias and Mrs. Frankel