Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, May 22,2020
As we approach the end of our school year, we want to let you know how much your children have grown this school year. Many are reading and computing nicely and are ready to tackle the first grade curriculum with success. The challenges of Long Distance Learning ( and Teaching) have offered the students ( and teachers) opportunities to grow in a new learning environment. Working in a school community such as St. Philip Neri makes us realize how grateful and blessed we are as teachers; without the parent collaboration and your partnership we could not be successful in the education of your children. Thank you.
Our last SuperKid will be Joshua. Thank you Joshua for being so patient. Instead of sharing next week, Joshua will share during the last week of school.
The Guesstimation Jar goes to Liam H. who will also share the last week of school.
Miss Mari, our author of EIEIART visited our Zoom class on Friday and spoke to the students about being a writer and lover of Art. The Kindergartners asked her some very insightful questions and shared their favorite artists. What a wonderful opportunity for the students.We will share the slideshow of their Art soon!
What’s Going on in Long Distance Zoom Classes?
ELA/ Language Arts/ Writing- Begin last SuperKid Unit 24– identify uppercase and lowercase Zz, blend sounds to decode words,, use correct spacing, capitalization and punctuation in sentences, follows oral directions, read memory word ”was”,encode plurals by adding “s”,distinguish between singular and plural nouns,identify the title of a story,identify captions,answer questions about a story,associate pictures with sentences
Math.- Word Story Problems, Estimation Activity
Science- Complete unit on Force and Investigations, Begin Unit on Community Helpers
Religion- Share Saint projects in Zoom class, St. Philip Neri
Looking Ahead
Monday, May 25th- No School- Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday, May 26th- All School Virtual Mass 8:30 AM ( No Zoom classes today) Gather outside the church after Mass to see and greet teachers and staff for our Wave Parade!
( Look for directions in the Weekly Newsletter.)
Town Hall Meeting with Mrs. Murray-PreK, TK, K : May 26th from 6:00 – 6:30PM( Optional)
Wednesday, May 27th- Friday, May 29th– Saint Study Presentations Due( See schedule on Weekly Classroom Long Distance Learning)
Friday, May 29th– Long Term Force Investigations Due
Counting down to the end of our school year, we remain thankful for all you have done.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias