Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, May 15,2020
We hope all our families are doing well as we continue our Long Distance Learning. We know that it has truly been a challenging experience for our families as well as our students. We have continued to refine our program, seeking to add to and support the learning for our students.We are hoping that students will choose to participate in some of the enrichment classes offered ( if they want!) We will assess our students at the end of this trimester in order to complete the end of year report cards.
In conclusion to our study of some of the world’s major artists, we have invited the author of EIEI ART to join us on our Zoom class next Friday, May 22nd. Miss Mari has agreed to come and speak with our students! Students will have an opportunity to ask questions of the author at our Zoom class. (You can purchase the book at if you’d like and enter NERI for a 10% discount)
Don’t forget that we will have our Virtual Mass on Tuesday, May 26th at 8:30AM. Come and greet the teachers and staff in a long distance drive-by after mass at 10AM! We miss our students!
Our SuperKid for next week is Oliver.
The Guesstimation Jar goes to Bella.
What’s Happening in Zoom Class?
ELA/ SuperKids/ Writing- Unit 23, identify upper and lower case Xx,Yy, identify sounds of X and Y, read memory word “you”, blend sounds to decode words, identify punctuation in dialogue sentences, use correct spacing and punctuation in sentences, follows oral directions
Math.- Practice addition and subtraction equations to 10
Science/Art- Complete Force Investigations, explore Art links for artists
Religion- Saint Study, Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Looking Ahead
Spring Concert– Date to be announced.
Friday, May 22nd- Morning Zoom Class with featured author Mari Tzikas Suarez ( author of EIEI ART)
Monday, May 25th- No School- Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday, May 26th- All School Virtual Mass 8:30 AM ( No Zoom classes today) Gather outside the church after Mass to see and greet teachers and staff!
Wednesday, May 27th- Friday, May 29th– Saint Study Presentations Due
Friday, May 29th– Long Term Force Investigations Due
Thanking all of our students and parents for your support.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs.Halkias