Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, April 24,2020
We hope that you enjoyed your Easter with your families. We have returned this week back to our Long Distance Learning and are very happy with the commitment we are seeing from our students as well as parents. Based upon some suggestions that parents made in the Parent Survey, we’ve adjusted the emailing of the weekly schedules. Weekly schedules will now be sent out on Friday evenings in preparation for the week to follow. Our daily schedule remains the same although we will be making some changes to our schedule beginning on May 3rd. We will be adding in some additional Zoom times for learning and connecting with our students. More details will follow in next week’s website and schedule.
Our Super Kid next week will be Kara. Please be ready to share on Tuesday.
The Guesstimation Jar goes to Ashley. Please send 1 or 2 photos of the jar out to the class. Students should be ready with their guesses on Friday.
What’s Going On in Long Distance Zoom Classes?
ELA/ SuperKids/Writing- SuperKids Club Unit 20
Identify uppercase and lowercase Ww,Associate picture names with /w/,Blend sounds to decode words ,Understand the meanings of antennae, wig, and Wagwag ,Discuss playing make-believe games,Listen for details in a song
Math.-Bridges Math Workplace- Race You to Zero Game
Social Science/ Art – Vincent Van Gogh,Leonardo da Vinci
(We are continuing our study of some of some of the most famous major world artists in connection with the book E I E I Art by Mari Tzikas Suarez. If you would like to order the book E I E I Art, the author has added a discount code for our students.You can order it on and enter in the code NERI for a 10% discount!)
Science- Continue Push and Pull Unit
Religion- Easter Lilies, Bible Readings
Looking Ahead
Monday, April 27-Friday May 1- Zoom classes continue
Office Hours continue- 1-1:30 Monday through Thursdays
Wednesday, April 29- Mrs. Murray will announce students who have earned an SLE during Zoom classes!
Thursday, April 30th- Friday, May 1st- Parents pick up SuperKid Workbooks from from school- 10AM-12Noon- Front Porch – details on weekly classroom email
Week of May 4th- Optional additional Zoom classes begin.
Thank you for all of your continued effort and cooperation in the education of your children. We miss our students!
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias