Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, March 20,2020
Firstly we would like to thank you for all of your support and flexibility as we navigate these very unusual times. Our first week of “Zoom” went well and we will continue to do our daily Zoom at 9:15AM.It is so heartwarming to see your children’s faces and to have them see each other online.As stated in today’s Zoom class, don’t forget to look out for Monday morning’s email with regard to lessons and any other important information.
We will begin to share our SuperKid, Rose and Guesstimation jar at our morning Zoom class.
Abby and Mariela will be our Superkids this week (since Abby did not have her turn last week) and will share their posters and things.
Hannah has the Guesstimation Jar. We will send you a picture of the things Hannah has put in her jar. Please have your child write their guess on a piece of paper ( large enough for everyone to see it ) and be ready to share it on Zoom. It should be on Thursday or Friday.
Mazzee has Rose and will share her experiences online at Zoom class as well.
What’s Going On in Zoom Class?
Language Arts/SuperKids- Continue working in the SuperKids booklets- Unit 17 as directed. Also continue with online SuperKids and Raz Kids.
Math.- Continue with Tallying, Numbers and Pairs.
Social Studies/Art- We will study about Benjamin Franklin this week and then we will move into a unit studying some of the great major artists of the world. This unit will be introduced by a reading of the book E-I-E-I Art written by Mari Tzikas Suarez. Intructions for this unit will follow.
Religion- The Story of Moses, Lent
Looking Ahead
Things are changing from day to day. We will keep you informed of changes as much as we can.
Again,we thank you for your support and know that our primary focus is your children’s education.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias