Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, February 28,2020
We will now begin our second set of STAR testing for Kindergarten. The purpose of STAR Early Literacy is to assess students’ early literacy skills in preparation for reading. The STAR test identifies student reading levels (e.g. Emergent Reader) and provides student performance results for pre-K through third grade students. These tests give us a benchmark for Kindergarten skills as well as indicating the progress your child has made. Report Cards are distributed on Friday, March 13th and will indicate your child’s progress to date.
The students will be working on writing a class book for the Young Author’s Faire. This is a Diocesan sponsored event in which students from all the Catholic Schools submit books which are judged in different categories.
We have begun initiating our new system for behavior. Your child receives a weekly report in the Friday Folder (envelope). It indicates a rating code for work habits -( i.e. completing work, using time wisely, working neatly,etc. ) as well as behavior ( following directions, listening, playground, etc.) The students have really seemed to respond positively thus far and are becoming more aware of their actions and their choices.
The Super Kid this week is Eliana.
Rose will go home with Brixton.
The Guesstimation Jar goes to Hudson.
What’s Happening in Class?
Language Arts//Writing- make connections with the Superkids lessons , identify upper and lower case Rr, associate picture names with r, identify rhyming words, blend to decode, encode words in word families, read memory words, answer questions about a story, determine cause and effect, track print from left to right, follow oral directions, write words to label a picture
Math.-Count forward from a given number rather than starting at 1, count backward from any number in the range of 10-1 ( more if your child can count higher) , read numbers from 0-20, write numbers from 0-20, order numbers from 0-20, counting by 5’s, 10’s to 100 ( you can begin counting by 2’s if your child is ready)
Science- Finish Weather Unit- begin weather assessment
Social Studies- Amelia Earhart
Religion-Ash Wednesday, Lent, Rice Bowls- Your child should have brought home in their Friday Folder a “Rice Bowl.” CRS is Catholic Relief Services Lenten Faith in Action program for families and faith communities. Inside the rice bowl are suggestions for how to use the bowl to deepen our faith with each other and to share the wealth which we have with others. They are due back at any time during Holy Week. Please discuss with your child any extra chores that they can do during Lent or kind actions that they can exhibit to others during this Lenten season. There are many ideas online for parents.Thanks for your support.
Looking Ahead
Monday, March 2nd- March homework distributed
Friday, March 6th- End of 2nd Trimester
Monday, March 9th- No School
Friday, March 13th- Report Cards go home, Talent Show- Noon Dismissal
Friday, March 20th– No School-Staff Development
Monday, March 23rd– Free Dress- March Birthdays
Thanks for all you do. Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias