Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, February 21,2020
We will now be moving into reading groups for our SuperKids Lessons now. In Meet the SuperKids, the students learned ( or reviewed )13 letter sounds, including the short vowels, decoded and encoded words, and read simple stories. As children take on the more challenging work in SuperKids’ Club, they will learn the sounds for the remaining 13 letters or the alphabet, decode and encode many more words and read longer stories. Most children will demonstrate steady improvement and growing confidence in their decoding and fluency skills, while others might need more encouragement and support. Reading stories in small groups will help us address children’s differing abilities. Our reading groups will meet on Mondays and Tuesdays; our groups will consist of Handwriting, IPads, Readers and Assessment.
We will continue to practice Math facts to 10. Your child should be able to count by 5’s and 10,s now and maybe even go on to counting by 2’s. They should be able to write the numbers to 20 ( some can write the numbers to100!)
We will be coming into the season of Lent with our All School Ash Wednesday Mass on February 26th. We are asking for your assistance in guiding your children this Lenten season. Help them learn the Church’s Lenten disciplines in age appropriate ways. Acts of kindness and good deeds are more appropriate than “giving up” something for Lent. We will share some ideas with you.
Our Super Kid is Avery.
Rose went home with Bridget.
The Guesstimation Jar went to Miles.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/ SuperKids/ Writing- Identify parts of a book,, identify upper and lower case Bb, associate picture names with b, blend sounds to decode words, encode b, form Bb, read memory word “of”, form plurals with “s” ending, read and follow written directions, write words for an informational book.
Math.– represent addition with fingers, decompose numbers less than or equal to ten in pairs in more than one way, count up to 20 objects arranged in a line, rectangular array or circle, for any number from 1-9, find the number that makes 10 when added to that number, represent subtraction with objects, solve subtraction story problems, reason abstractly and quantitatively
Social Studies- Zones of Regulation, Abraham Lincoln
Science- Weather Investigation
Religion- Ash Wednesday, Lent
Looking Ahead
Saturday, February 22nd- SPN Crab Feed
Sunday, February 23rd- Lillian Black Festival of the Arts- Bishop O’Dowd High School- 1-4PM
Monday, February 24th– Free Dress- February Birthdays
Wednesday, February 26th- Ash Wednesday, All School Mass 8:30AM
Monday, March 2nd- March Homework distributed
Thank you for all of the Valentine love and chocolate! We feel very loved by our students and parents.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias