Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, February 7,2020
Next week we will be testing students in connection with the SuperKids curriculum. The Superkids program includes multiple measures of assessment. These include informal assessment opportunities, formal tests, Daily Routines and other reading and writing activities.These assessments provide the information needed to recognize children’s strengths and troubleshoot problems.
The Benchmark Test we will be using helps assess the mastery of the objectives taught in the first lessons of “Meet The SuperKids.” This helps to confirm reading groups and placement of students who might be ready to work above their grade level. The test includes phonemic awareness- initial sounds, letter recognition, consonants, medial vowel sounds, blending to decode words and comprehension. In the month of March you will again receive a report card of your child’s progress thus far this year.
We celebrated our 100th Day of School this week by making Hundredth Day hats and sorting the like items the students brought into groups of 10. We took a class picture which we shared with Mrs.Murray!
Your child should bring in Valentines for their classmates on Valentine’s Day- one valentine for each student please. Please have your child sign their own names but please do not write have them write their classmates’ names on their valentines.
Just a reminder- please do not send in birthday treats for your child. The kindergarten policy is to purchase a book for our classroom library. Please have your child pick a book and sign and date it on the inside. We will then share it with the class.Thank you.
Also, just a reminder to please send us an email if your child is going to be absent. Please send to the office as well as the classroom teacher.
Thank you to parents and students for my birthday notes and gift! Love, Mrs. Halkias
Super Kid for next week is Augustine.
Rose went home with Mariela.
The Guesstimation Jar goes to Kara.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/ Language Arts/ Writing-Continue with Unit 13- identify the title of a story,track print, read SuperKids names; answer questions about a story,read memory word “the”, make predictions, observe punctuation, write words in dictation, copy sentences, identify vowels and consonants, associate sounds with medial sounds, blend sounds to decode words, follow oral directions, describing words, make a label.
Math.- Workplace Assessments will also follow next week–We will be conducting Math assessments for the workplace activities which we have done to date.Additionally we will be focusing on addition facts to 5.
Science- Continue with Weather- seasons and weather tools
Social Studies– Continue with Black History Month- Ruby Bridges
Religion- Zones of Regulation
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, February 12th- Noon Dismissal- WCEA Work Day
Friday, February 14th– Valentine’s Day-Noon Dismissal
Monday, February 17th- Presidents Day -No School
Tuesday, February 18th– February Book Orders Due
Saturday, February 22nd– SPN Crab Feed
Monday,February 24th– Free Dress February Birthdays
We are in need of paper towels in our classroom. If you are able to donate, it would greatly be appreciated.
Thanks for all you do.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias