Kindergarten Update
Dear Parents, January 31,2020
We enjoyed celebrating Catholic Schools Week with your students and saw many parents at the different activities during the week. Thanks for all the work you do for our school and for a lovely teacher appreciation day luncheon and gifts. We are fortunate to have parents as our partners in educating children. You make a difference!
This month finds us very busy with Valentine’s Day, Presidents’ Holiday, 100th Day of School and Chinese New Year. For Valentine’s Day, please have your child bring a Valentine for each member of the class. No names on the front envelope please- just have your child sign their names on their cards. Teachers will provide a treat for the students!
Don’t forget to have your child bring in a bag of 100 like items on Wednesday for our 100th day Celebration!
Please be sure that you have read the letter that came home in your child’s Friday folder about the Religion Lesson “ Circle of Grace”.We will teach this week.
Super Kid this week is Hudson.
Rose went home with Franco.
The Guesstimation Jar goes to Liam W.
What’s Happening in Class?
ELA/LA/Superkids-All of the SuperKids have now been introduced! Skills this week include:Identifying uppercase and lowercase Uu, sounds of initial vowel u and medial u, observe punctuation,listen for details in a song,identify all vowels and consonants, decode, track print from left to right and top to bottom, make predictions, use prior knowledge
Math.- counting up and back to 20, meaning of plus and equal,practice saying equations,counting to 100 by 5’s, 10’s, grouping tens- Celebrating the 100th Day of School
Social Studies-Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges
Science- – Continue Weather Patterns
Religion- Circle of Grace, Jesus Greets the children
Looking Ahead
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb 3rd,4th,5th- Mrs. Halkias teaches in Kindergarten
( Mrs. Foster does Kindergarten Assessments for next year.) February Homework is distributed and due on Friday, February 28th.
Wednesday, February 5th– All School Mass- 9:00 AM
Wednesday, February 12th- Noon Dismissal- WCEA Work Day
Friday, February 14th– Valentine’s Day-Noon Dismissal
Monday, February 17th- Presidents Day -No School
Have a great week. Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias