First Grade Weekly Update
- The students did a wonderful job creating their Creation Dioramas working in partners. I was equally delighted the way they were able to determine who would bring the project home.
- Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your generous response to the request for baby wipes. I know of only some of the families by name as some arrived without a name. We should be in good shape for a good long while in keeping hands clean after playing on the blacktop.
- Report cards will be sent home on Friday, November 22. Please review them and return only the signed envelope after Thanksgiving.
- Wishing all of you a blessed and safe Thanksgiving holiday with friends and friendly. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with your children every day.
Here’s a look at what we’ll be working on:
Language Arts
- practice short vowel sounds
- reading: The Best Sandbox Ever and Lily’s Desert Project
- handwriting
- sight words: look your the was are for
- phonics:
- “er” as in “hammer”
- Writing
- narratives
- addition & subtraction practice
- Comparing numbers: >, <, =
- skip counting by 5’s
- Responding to the call to take care of our earth
- Community Circle
- Gratitude/Thanksgiving
Social Studies
- The first Thanksgiving
Dates to Remember:
- November 18: November birthday free dress
- November 21: Art Docent
- November 18-22: Scholastic Book Fair
- November 22: Report Cards
- November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
- December 2: Return to school
- December 4: Advent Prayer service in the hall (morning assembly)
- December 9: All School Mass
- December 11: Advent Prayer service in the hall (morning assembly)
- December 12: Art Docent
- December 16: December birthday free dress
- December 18: Advent Prayer service in the hall (morning assembly)
- December 19: Christmas Concert, 7 p.m.
- December 20: minimum day/NO Share and Care
- January 6: Return to School