First Grade Weekly Update
- Thank you for all the treats and supplies for a fun Valentine’s Day.
- If you wish to order Scholastic Books, orders are due Wednesday, February 19.
- Thank you to all who e-mailed availability to drive and/or chaperone on our field trip 2/28. We don’t have enough seats to transport everyone yet, so if you are available to drive please e-mail me with the number of backseat seatbelts. I will send home confirmation of drivers and/or chaperones next week.
- Friday, February 23 is Blast from the Past Spirit Day with free dress.
- Talent Show information went home last Thursday. Forms need to be returned at the first practice, February 24 (after school.)
Here’s a look at what we’ll be working on:
Language Arts
- reading: Race Day, SUPER DUPER Zoom, Lily’s Little Boat
- handwriting
- sight words: oh any day good very want
- plural nouns
- rhyming
- phonics:
- identify base/root words
- long vowels with CVCe pattern (cake, bike, bone, flute…)
- add ed and ing to CVCe (baked, baking)
- Writing
- short messages to a classmate-replies
- friendly letters
- developing number sense in 0-120 range-values change depending where a number is on the number line
- addition and subtraction stories
- place value
- greater than and less than
- God loves Mary
- How can we be a light to the world?
- How can the sun help you if you’re lost?
Social Studies
- Black History Month-visit from Alameda librarian
- President’s Day
Dates to Remember:
- February 17: President’s Day Holiday
- February 19: Scholastic Book Orders due
- February 21: free dress-Blast from the Past
- February 22: Crab Feed
- February 23: Lillian Black Festival of the Arts @ Bishop O’Dowd
- February 24: February birthday free dress
- February 25: Burning of the Palms
- February 26: Ash Wednesday, 8:30 mass
- February 28: field trip to Chabot Space and Science Center (8:30-2:30p.m.)
- March 6: Young Author’s Fair books due
- March 9: No school
- March 12: Art Docent
- March 13: Talent Show/noon dismissal/Sports Picture Day