First Grade Weekly Update
- The Oratorical Fest information will be in the green folders on Monday. Also there will be an information sheet for the Diocesan Young Authors Faire in the spring.
- There will be no formal homework next week, however please continue to read nightly. Students are also encouraged to read during the Christmas break.
- Thank you for your generous donations to the Adopt-A-Family program.
- Students should report to the classroom on Thursday evening for the Christmas Program. Students should be in “nice” free dress-please refer to the handbook.
Here’s a look at what we’ll be working on:
Language Arts
- practice short vowel sounds
- reading: The Big Bad Blob and The Monster Under the Bus
- handwriting
- sight words: there from be we or to
- review nouns and verbs
- phonics:
- r controlled vowel: er as in “hammer”
- suffix ed as /ed/ as in melted
- suffix ed as /d/ as in spilled
- suffix ed as /t/ as in cracked
- Writing
- editing sentences
- addition with double facts
- Comparing numbers: >, <, =
- solving story problems
- Advent
- Community Circle
- Nativity
- Faith Families
- Why is snow white?
Dates to Remember:
- December 16: December birthday free dress
- December 18: Advent Prayer service in the hall (morning assembly)
- December 19: Christmas Concert, 7 p.m.
- December 20: minimum day/NO Share and Care
- Red and Green free dress
- January 6: Return to School