Week of November 30
Dear Fifth Grade Families,
I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. I am grateful for our SPN community as we continue to navigate the school year together. If you have any questions or concerns (or catch any errors on my end), please reach out and I will do my best to answer them, or find someone who is able to help.
Attached you will find the 5th grade distance learning schedule for the week, and a review of our weekly assignments.
Please note that I will not have 1:1 meetings with students tomorrow, but will see them for our end of the day meeting/prayer. They may use that time to finish their Diocese Christmas Card if they chose to participate in this year’s contest (Due 3pm Tuesday 12/1. Email: dcsadmin@csdo.org), or work on their assignments. Please let me know if you or your child would like to meet/check-in.
Below are Upcoming Dates:
November 29: First Sunday of Advent
November 30- December 2nd: All School in remote learning
December 2: Advent Prayer Service
December 3: Virtual Info Night
December 3: TK-2nd grade return back from Thanksgiving break
December 4: Make up Picture Day
December 7: Report Cards go Home
December 7: 3rd-4th return to campus (possibly 5th grade)
December 8: All School Mass- Students will attend virtually with their classes December 8: Parish Council 6:30
December 16: PTG Christmas Event
December 18: Noon Dismissal – Remote learning day for all
December 19-January 3rd: Christmas Break
January 3 and 4: No School – Teacher work days
Crystal Hewitt
5th Grade Schedule Week of November 30
Fifth Grade Assignment Summary Week of November 30