Fifth Grade Week of September 9, 2019
Here is a look at what we are working on this week:
Math (Bridges)-
- Unit 1 Module 2
We are continuing Module 2, Factors, Multiples & the Associative Property
Monday Math Homework: “Samantha’s Strategies” Home Connection
Tuesday Math Homework: “How Many Boxes?” Pg. 11 Student Book
Wednesday Math Homework: “Finding Factors” Home Connection
Thursday Math Homework: “Thinking About the Multiple Game” Pg. 14 Student Book
Friday Math Homework: No Homework
ELA (Journeys)-
- Unit 1 Lesson 2
Student’s are introduced to new vocabulary before we read, “A Royal Mystery”. As we read, we will practice reading with fluency, analyzing the text, and focusing on the following:
- Theme
- Elements of Drama
- Characterization
In Spelling, we are working with words that have the long a and long e sound. We are also revising and finalizing a short narrative that students started at the end of last week. The objective of their narrative is to write a short story that includes the following:
- A main character
- A problem the main character faces
- A conclusion that includes the solution to the problem
The writing traits checklist includes:
- Telling events clearly, using specific details
- Organization (story structure)
- Sentence fluency (complete sentences)
- Word choice (using strong, active verbs and sensory details)
- Voice (revealing the mood of the story)
- Conventions (using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation)
Monday ELA Homework: “Long a and Long e” Spelling Homework pg. 16; Revise short narrative rough drafts
Tuesday ELA Homework: Spelling Word Sort pg. 17; Revise short narrative rough drafts
Wednesday ELA Homework: Finish rough draft- be ready to start typing your final draft, or have me check your finished rough draft; Grammar pg. 22
(To be continued….)
Science (Mystery Science)-
- Mystery 1: Web of Life Mystery 1- Why Would a Hawk Move to New York City?
- Continue to conclude chapter 1, and design a Wonders of Creation CD Cover
- Begin Chapter 2 with this goal: To learn about how to read, interpret, and revere Sacred Scripture
Social Studies (TCi)-
- Continue Geography of the U.S. (What can geography teach us about the United States?)