Fifth Grade Week of December 16, 2019

Dear families,
Fulfilled, happy, confident, responsible, kind, and loving. We have learned that these are goals families want for their children, and as teachers, what we want for our students. In the classroom, we will continue to enhance our abilities to learn, work, and spend time together. In addition to our social-emotional curriculum, The Zones of Regulation, we will try using some strategies to build on social-emotional skills from the following website:
We recognize that as a family member, you are our students’ first teacher, and I am grateful to partner with you to help our children become tolerant, compassionate, and caring adults.
This week, in addition to community building, we will enjoy some fun Christmas activities, as well as review and complete concepts from last week.
Lastly, we are so excited for our first class field trip to the Exploratorium on Wednesday December 18. Thank you for all of your help with this!
Have a great week!
Ms. Crystal Hewitt
What we are working on this week:
Math (Bridges)-
- Unit 3: Place Value and Decimals
In this unit, students study skills and concepts related to place value, from reading, writing, and comparing decimals to rounding and examining the decimal patterns of multiplying and dividing numbers by 10. Students use their place value understanding to add and subtract decimals to hundredths.
- Unit 3: Module 3
We are completing and reviewing Module 3- Conversions: Students use units of computer memory- bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes- to explore conversions within a given system of measurement, and then extend the strategies they develop to making metric conversions. Students also continue their work adding and subtracting decimals in a vertical format and solving story problems that involve decimal amounts.
We have completed reading Wonder! Before we begin our next unit, we will complete the following:
- Response to Literature Essay
Choose a topic (Theme, Character, or Setting), and write a 2-3 page essay analyzing how that topic is portrayed in the novel. Present your essay ideas to the class.
Science (Mystery Science)-
We will review concepts that we have learned so far before our exciting field trip to the Exploratorium on Wednesday. We may also do a ‘Winter Special’ on the following mystery: Why is snow white?
- Faith families
- Advent Prayer Service
- Great is the Lord- Topics:
1. One, almighty, holy, eternal, love, and truth are qualities about himself that God has revealed.
2. God is the creator of everyone and everything, visible and invisible.
3. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and turned away from his goodness. This sin caused the beginning of all other sin in the world.
Social Studies-
- American Indians and Their Land
Description:In a Visual Discovery activity, students work in pairs, using maps and photographs to trace migration routes of the first Americans and to summarize how these groups adapted to different environments.
Essential Question: How did American Indians adapt to different environments in North America?
Important Dates:
- December 17: All school practice for Christmas Concert 10:45-12
- December 18: Fifth grade out at field trip all day
- December 19: Christmas Concert
- December 20: Noon dismissal; students wear red and green free dress
- January 6: School starts back