8th Science Assignment: April 22|NS Internship Day 5 due April 23, 2020 at 05:00PM
Title: Assignment: April 22|NS Internship Day 5
Description: You will have some work for Science due every day. I’m going to post the work for the day of our live class and the following day, so you have some flexibility about how you can complete work for Science. You can go ahead and finish all your Science work following our live classes and take a day off (from Science), or you can complete each assignment on the day it’s due. It’s important that you complete assignments in order so make sure you have finished your Day 4 work before starting today’s work.
For today, you will complete at least 5 iterations of your MalariaMed treatment design. The Futura workspace message for today also mentions analyzing and selecting a design, but we won’t do that yet. You just need to make sure to complete at least 5 designs and fill in the results on the attached Doc. Note you can do more than 5-I’ve included space for 15 trials and you can copy paste the table to complete more than that. https://ift.tt/2VPvk7p
Due: April 23, 2020 at 05:00PM