8th Literature Assignment: Don’t forget to take AR on TKaM (From 8:30-3:00)- I am taking a grade on this! Thank you’s for Fr. Robert, Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Graham due June 1, 2020 at 04:00PM
Title: Assignment: Don’t forget to take AR on TKaM (From 8:30-3:00)- I am taking a grade on this!
Thank you’s for Fr. Robert, Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Graham
Description: On the attached document, please write a nice note to:
Fr. Robert, who will be on sabbatical for the year. He was at our Parrish for 7 years.
Mrs. Liu: She has been the room parent throughout your journey at SPN. She has tremendously helped your teachers.
Mrs. Graham: She is also a room parent, but does things behind the scenes. (She and Mrs. Liu are a dynamic duo.)
Make sure to type your names after writing your notes. I will compile these and give them to these individuals in a card with their gift, which I will drop off once school has officially ended, https://ift.tt/3eDbjJ3
Due: June 1, 2020 at 04:00PM